Jewellery Care Guide | Canturi Jewels

Jewellery Care Guide

Your Canturi jewel is 100% handcrafted in Australia and is an object of exceptional design and quality. Knowledge of how to care for it can assist in maintaining its condition.

Protect your jewels from damage by being aware of its impact with hard surfaces such as metal and stone. Avoiding impact will reduce damage such as dents, scratches, chipping, loosening or loss of gemstones.

Store your jewels in a jewellery box with separate compartments or in a jewellery roll when travelling.

Environmental factors such as dust, pollution and every day products such as hand cream, soap, perfume and hairspray will cause residue and dull your precious jewel. Regular cleaning will remove residue and restore brilliance.

All jewels will experience general wear and tear and should be brought into Canturi regularly to be cleaned and assessed.

If you are concerned about any damage caused to your jewel please contact Canturi Jewels for assessment.